Helene Moore


Changing maternity experiences - for everyone

We believe that a thoughtful maternity experience is the most valuable asset to attract, retain and nurture top female talent.

47% of maternity leavers felt so unsupported on their return that they considered leaving.
23% did.

It’s not just about women. Even if your organisation is 95% male, are you confident that they are apprised of an appropriate non-discriminatory language, for a pregnant or returning team member?

Career to Cradle

What we do for you and your business:

We help your best female talent return to you focussed, confident and ready for their best future in both career and motherhood

What we do for her and her team:

We transform how she, her child, her partner and her colleagues, experience the transition from career to cradle and smoothly back again. In a unique, relationship-driven partnership between the maternity leaver, her baby and you, her company.

Career To Cradle

Your most valuable asset:

  • Our research identifies that a Thoughtful Maternity Experience which is greater than or equal to a strong maternity policy is the most valuable asset - to attract, retain and nurture top female talent.
  • We recognise that the changing corporate landscape requires a culture that acknowledges new expectations, where the employee value proposition and an inclusive and informed environment truly matter. Maternity and Paternity is also legacy.
  • The commercial risk in not retaining senior returners, is both financially and reputationally costly.

How we do it:

A complete bespoke maternity package, with comprehensive, family inclusive maternity and returnity coaching, birth story resolution, new parent support, baby room and parent-infant relationship advisory service. Supporting both Mother and Child in a seemless return to the workspace.

Why us:

We are Helene Moore and Nicki Young and together we uniquely combine 30+ years of commercial acumen and corporate and HR experience, with certified coaching and prenatal and early years infant-parent relationship, emotional development education and practice.

We recognise that success needs a strong partnership, between your maternity leaver and you, the business. In order that she and her baby can have the ultimate thoughtful maternity journey, whilst ensuring for you that she is supported and fully re-onboarded when she returns; so she can be the confident, focused, exceptional talent that you recruited in the first place.

Did you know:

/mæ'tres.?nts/ noun / social science

The physical, psychological and emotional changes you go through having a baby has a name: matrescence.

This developmental phase of new motherhood, is like adolescence – a transition when hormones surge and identity and relationships shift

In a corporate environment, it’s important to recognise that whilst these changes directly affect the individual, they can also indirectly impact the company. If correctly leveraged, then in a very positive way indeed.

What others say:

“I’m really happy and relieved. I can go back to enjoying what’s left of my mat leave knowing I have a workable plan in place for my return. Thank you so much for your support with this, it made a huge difference to how I approached everything.”

Career To Cradle click here 
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