Helene Moore


The one thing that unites every one of us is, that it all starts in the womb.

As a mother-to-be we learn so much about how our baby develops physically... What about emotionally?

What can they sense but not yet make sense of?
What puzzles can your maternity experience solve for your relationship?

I love puzzles and my greatest passion is to help you uncover and understand the secrets of your developing child’s mind.

She is born with nine months of history. So what story does she have to tell you about that time? Experiences that can hold the secrets for building an unstoppable relationship? Understanding your child's story begins here.

Why me?
My own parental relationship had challenges that began
the day I was born.

As a child I often didn’t feel seen, heard or understood and quite simply I wasn’t. It was no one's fault; rather, a very lengthy, traumatic delivery, resulting in heavy sedation for my mother numbering days and in those days a scant understanding of the importance of the presence of fathers at and immediately after birth, meant that the three of us were physically and emotionally separated, at our most critical time for bonding. Of course I didn't know that then.

Emotional separation is just one rupture that can come with birthing a baby. Even seemingly straightforward births can bring intense feelings and experiences that, either consciously or unconsciously dominate our memories and set the tone for our future
- especially for both mother and baby. Why? Because you are both present and active in the event.

So I set out on a whole life and career changing voyage of discovery.

If I could solve the puzzle for me, then perhaps not only my relationships could change; but that maybe what I discovered, could also help the relationships of many other infants and their parents

I did - mine did - and I'm forever grateful.

However pregnancy or birth happens for you, my passion and mission, is to help you prevent, understand or repair any ruptures from your family's unique birth experience, so you are free to have your best possible relationship together.

helene moore on the beach

About Me

I am an Advanced Trained Practitioner with NHS England Solihull Approach in Brain Development, Attachment and Early Trauma. A qualified bio-dynamic Craniosacral Therapist, specialising in mother & baby, a Japanese Amatsu Therapist and Baby Massage Instructor and Early Years Emotional Development Practitioner with active clinics in London and The Home Counties for 19 years.

My areas of professional development and specialist interest trainings includes pre and perinatal psychology, developmental behaviour, understanding early years trauma, phenomenology, embryology, epigenetics, pregnancy care and assisted fertility care.

I'm also a Mentor-Trainer in a unique personal transformation programme, helping my clients to overcome negative unconscious behaviour patterns and old limiting beliefs, so they can create a life they love.

Preceding this I enjoyed an 11 year career in Advertising and Marketing,

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